Daxtra Apply & Match

Create a better candidate experience by offering a fast and user-friendly way to apply for jobs online.

Daxtra Apply & Match
Extracts CV/Resume
Auto-fills Application Form
Displays Matched Jobs
Candidate Applies
Adds to CRM & Shortlists

What does Daxtra Apply & Match do?

Autopopulates your application forms

Allows candidates to load information from their CV/resume or social media profile to auto-populate the application form on your careers portal or website. They can review and verify this auto-filled information before they apply.

Matches relevant jobs to your candidates

Our search and match technology matches candidates to your relevant open jobs. As candidates apply, these jobs can be displayed alongside their candidate profile so they can select which jobs they want to apply for. This gives candidates a much more tailored application experience.

Integration to suit your needs

Daxtra Apply & Match can be provided as an API to be hosted on your careers portal or as a complete white-label web page with custom forms to be integrated into your careers website.

Provides rich structured data

When a candidate uploads their information, the Daxtra Apply & Match widget parses their CV/resume. The widget sends the structured profile data back through the API to the web page to populate the application form. Once a candidate applies, their profile data and CV/resume is automatically loaded into your database.

Manage a list of highly relevant applicants

Candidates are guided to relevant roles to apply for, so your recruiters have a focused list of quality candidates to manage within the ATS or CRM. Recruiters spend less time filtering through unsuitable candidates, improving recruiter and applicant experience.